Well as fun as vacation was, it was not good for my goals. It's not as bad as it could have been, I just made 0% progress, but on the same token, I didn't gain any weight either. I'm just still the same as before I left, I'm thinking back to all the wonderful treats I ate, like LOTS of chocolate malted crunch icecream, and Tanya's awesome lemon pie, Maren's oatmeal cookies, and the chocolate cake for mom's birthday, and the Golden Spoon, and more Golden Spoon and even more Golden Spoon. Also the frozen banana's, churros, Dole whip, corn dogs/fries, burgers etc from Disneyland. Oh and don't forget In-N-Out,.....twice, once with animal style fries. I don't regeret all these delicious treats, I just wish I had worked out more while I was on vacation. We did a pretty good job the first week, but then vacation got to us. Here's to getting back on track. I'm making it my goal to make it to gym even if Boston was up all night long and I am tired, I can sleep in April right?